ISO 14001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • How to conduct an internal audit

    1. Is there a specific way of conducting an internal audit? 
    2. I am planning to conduct an internal audit for our organization and I wonder if the process is similar to how an external auditor would an audit? 
    3. Are there any tips or templates I could use for an internal audit? 
    4. How can I record corrective actions for an internal audit? And especially when there is so much to be done? 
  • Relevance of EMS to communities

    How is EMS under ISO 14001 relevant to communities?

  • ISO 14001 individual vs consultant implementation

    Can I do iso 14001:2015 myself or I need any consultant?

  • ISO 14001 and life cycle perspectives

    How to demonstrate life cycle perspective considerations with aspects and impacts assessments

  • Environmental report

    I want to know how to conduct and compile a report on environmental, design, structural and amenities deficiency

  • Risks and opportunities in ISO 14001

    How to identify the other risks and opportunities according to iso 14001 clause, examples?

  • Environmental Management System Representative vs Internal Auditor

    Can EMS Representative and Internal Auditor can be same person in a small size organization?

  • Liderazgo en la gestión de calidad y medio ambiente

    Estoy buscando mayor compromiso e involucramiento de la alta dirección y la gerencias operativas, en el liderazgo, para la implementación y desarrollo de los sistemas de gestión; te agradecerè si puede mejorar mi enfoque en este tema, de Liderazgo en la gestión de calidad y medio ambiente, si puedes recomendar algún material para lectura.

  • Opencast procedure

    How to write an Opencast Procedure?

  • SGA

    Estoy haciendo un SGA con la ISO 14001:2015 y ya hice ña rai y tengo la matriz legal y la matrriz de aspeectos e impactos ambientales per no se que mas hacer me podrias dar una asesoria sobre eso?

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