ISO 14001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Environmental aspects and impact procedure requirements

    Why do we need environment aspect & Impact procedure?

  • Emergency categories

    How are emergencies classified based on categories? I have come across categories 0, 1,2 and 3.
    Does ISO define a category for Emergency in the industry based on the severity?
    Please clarify.

  • ISO 14001 implementation procedures and steps

    to get certified (ISO 14001) first thing to focus is on EMS manual, then procedures and then records? its basically for initial certification of implementation. please correct if I am wrong. I am really confused with the same.

    Moreover for ISO 14001 internal audit, does the person have to be a qualified auditor?

  • Internal Audit - Action Classification

    Hi, trying to understand with an internal audit when an action is required how would one rate the action (Opportunity for Improvement, Non-Conformance, Major Non-Conformance) - what are the criteria for each classification?

  • Límites en la determinación de los aspectos ambientales

    ¿Un auditor externo puede sugerir ampliar la evaluación de los aspectos ambientales aun cuando estos los tengo definidos en el alcance de mi certificación y considerarla como una no conformidad?

  • Implementing EMS

    How to implement EMS for CNC company?

  • ISO 14001 approach?

    I would like to ask you that is could you explain me details of how to approach ISO 14001:2015 requirements.

  • Environmental aspects

    i want to know different types of aspects and how to manage them
    as an electrician , i work with bulbs, fluorescent tubes and i believe they are aspects, are they?
    i need many options so that i can choose the most suitable for the invironment where i am living

  • ISO 14001 compliance obligations

    We are manufacturer of high performance dies and steel tooling. we don't know what the compliance obligations are required for us.

  • Servicios limpieza y control medioambiente

    Soy gerente de una pequeña empresa de servicios limpieza y me gustaría saber más sobre medio ambiente y cómo puedo aplicarlo.
    Tengo un cliente que está implementando gestión medioambiental para ISO 14001-2015 y quiero hacer lo posible por cumplir con todo.
    Nosotros le hacemos limpieza en oficinas apostando por productos ecológicos y en almacén separando residuos (plástico, cartón ) que más podemos hacer?

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