ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Customer requirements review

    Can you please give me an example of the document that needs to be created by the client in reference to 8.2.3?
  • Quality Management Metrix

    I need implementation the metric of quality.
  • Customer satisfaction and related departments

    Good Day,
  • Bases documentales del SGC

    Iniciación de las bases documentales de una gestión de calidad en miras a una certificación ISO 9001 partiendo
  • Clause 6

    Hi! in preparation for STAGE 1 for next month, our external auditor asked us for some documentation. When he inquired about how we are going to demonstrate compliance with Clause 6, I responded that we did the risk analysis and it was elaborated a FMEA chart for each department process. He said that is not sufficient.. why not? if the FMEA charts contains mitigation planning activities in a specific column about how we are addressing risks and which resources will be utilized. Also the implementation of the PDCA cycle was responded. Please give us your advice .
  • Prepairing API Sepc Q1 internal audit

    I'm interested in the information you to provide.Now i am in trouble that who don`t know that how to prepare an internal audit for API Sepc Q1 and related API monogrammed product.Could you help me?I hope that you can give some more good advise about this matter.No matter thank you so much again.I am looking forward to replying as soon as possible.
  • Identificación de riesgos y oportunidades

    En el análisis del contexto e identificación de riesgos tuvimos los siguientes dudas: el análisis del contexto como tal ya son los riesgos identificados? Es decir, ya sólo hay que analizar y evaluar o bien del análisis del contexto se tienen que identificar los riesgos y oportunidades.
  • Misión, visión y valores

    Mi empresa está certificada con ISO 27001 y tenemos las políticas de Visión , Misión y Valores.
  • Processes and risks

    How to identify process and process risks?