ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Questions regarding clauses 8.3 and 6.1

    My question lies more on clause 8.3 of the ISO 9001 standard. It read as thus;
  • Management representative in ISO 9001:2015

    Which part of ISO 9001:2015 refers to Management Representative with responsibility for the QMS as described in this article?
  • Scope of the certification audit

    We are currently in the process of creating / implementing QMS in our organization with the goal of obtaining the certification before end of current year.
  • QMS effectiveness and customer satisfaction

    What are the elements that could demonstrate Quality Management System and customer satisfaction improvement?
  • Documentación contexto de la organización

    Quisiera saber que documento se requiere en el numeral 4.1 COMPRENSIÓN DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN Y SU CONTEXTO ya que hay me habla de determinar las cuestiones externas e internas de la organización pero no tengo entendido que documento exige hay la norma, Gracias"
  • Exclusions in QMS

    Thanks, actually I have a question about exclusions. Our ISO registrar told us in the last visit that we need to remove the exclusion section but I see them in this template. Could you please explain?
  • Where to start ISO 9001 implementation

    I need to implement ISO 9001 but not sure where to start
  • Measuring customer satisfaction

    I work for a alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre. It is difficult to measure customer satisfaction. We do have a customer satisfaction questionnaire that we ask our clients to complete when they leave however in a number of cases they don't want to complete the questionnaire. Or they leave before they are done with rehabilitation (for whatever reason) and they might give a complete irrational score. With regards to customer satisfaction, do we for example have to include this as a improve customer satisfaction? I am afraid that we might set ourselves up for failure if we do this. Or would it be acceptable to show evidence that we obtain feedback where and when possible, and then, if there were any suggestions for improvement, if we log these as suggestions for improvement in our electronic QMS program.
  • How to start the implementation

    Kindly how to start the implementation of ISO 9001:2015?