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ISO 45001 / OHSAS 18001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • SOPs SWIs etc.

    Please could someone help my understanding of SOPs. I've reviewed some generic SOPs for certain subjects and confused. I've spoken to a number of UK based consultants and I've had different explanations and still none the wiser. Where I'm struggling is the correlation between a policy, (what we will do I believe) and SOPs (who and how etc?) and beyond that SWIs As an example, if you took Welding would you have a general SOP which covers the general management of welding hazards and then a number of supplemental SOPs for the different welding tasks? We have welders within our organisation and the welding hazards are the same but the tasks are different? So could you have 10 SOPs for welding or would you have 1 broad general SOP and 9 SWIs for the different welding tasks. Also how do you avoid duplication? I'm guessing a lot of procedures around a similar topic are going to be similar. Working at Height is another example which I've seen. Working at Height has many other areas associated with it - use of stepladders, use of ladders, use of scaffolding, use of powered access etc. Back to my point above, is it numerous different WAH SOPs or one general SOP supplemented with SWIs for the tasks associated with WAH? Apologies for the long winded question, if someone can educate me on this point and maybe provide some examples I would be eternally grateful. This really has me down a rabbit hole Thanks
  • Auditor Questions Allowed

    As an auditor, which questions can you ask on all clauses of ISO 45001?
  • Safety Practice in Mining Sector

    What is the universal best safety practice in the mining sector?
  • How to set safety objectives

    My question is, how can I outline the safety and health objectives in ISO 45001 in the new system?
  • Internal Context and Safety Management System

    How does internal context help with the safety management system?
  • Writing Emergency Management Guide

    What should we consider when writing an emergency management guide?
  • Risk Assessment in an Auto Repair Workplace

    What risk assessment method do you suggest for an Auto Repair workplace?
  • OH&S hazard identification address the hazards identified

    The main concern that I have with OH&S hazard identification is the potential for overwhelming the ability to address the hazards identified. In other words, if we were to generate a list of identified hazards that’s 800 items long, the typical process I would use to then prioritize that list would be an FMEA approach. At that point, we would address the hazards on a risk-based approach, with the high and significant risk items being at the top of the list. Would you have any suggestions for those of us that are good at this process above, but have run into situations where the ROI or big/easy methodologies are not enough justification for certain capital investments to address the more elaborate engineering or substitutive mitigation efforts?
  • How to be on top of OH&S

    How can I be on top of OH&S in my organization?
  • ISO 45001 in a virtual or hybrid work environment

    How could ISO 45001 be applied in a virtual or hybrid working environment?
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