ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Internal audits and checklists

    "I would just like to reaffirm what I need to do for Internal Auditing for ISO 9001:2015. I need to audit the 7 areas: context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement, correct?
  • Risks, opportunities and mandatory documentation

    "Opportunities and risks in ISO 9001:2015 : How to add this clause to our ISO system knowing that we already have completed the documents for ISO 9001:2008?”
  • Quality plans and ISO 9001:2015

    "Is ISO 10005 2006 still relevant in relation to ISO 9001 2015, please?”
  • Scope and exclusions

    " We are a recruitment company. Scope is Sourcing and placing suitable candidates (Permanent & Freelance) for the construction industry. How do we apply clause 8.3 - design and development and do we need to amend our scope?”
  • Context, risks and preventive actions

    "1. How to identify the context of the organization in ISO 9001:2015? 2. How to identify risks and opportunities? 3. Risk-based thinking replacing preventive action in ISO 9001:2015 – The benefits?”
  • Quality vocabulary

    “We have an audit coming up for transition to ISO 9001:2015 and the agenda references 'product realisation'. Please can you tell me whether the term 'product realisation' is still used in the new standard and if so what clause this phrase is used in, as I cannot find it and I was not sure whether the actual term 'product realisation' is still used in the new standard.”
  • Property belonging to customers or external providers

    “Property belonging to customers or external providers? Can you provide an example for above subject?”
  • Quality Manual content

    “I am attempting to rewrite and update our small companies Quality Manual. I have never written one before and I feel I need some guidance. We are not ISO certified, but down the line we may want to do this. I don't know how generic or specific I should be. I've looked at some examples and read through articles, but I'm not sure what to include or exclude for our company specifically.”
  • Scope definition and exclusions

    "Hello, we are an NGO, that wishes to acquire the ISO 9001, (for the administrative operation department only) however our scope of work doesn't include production, and our customers are our donors basically.