ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Document numbering/coding system

    "Please do suggest on good/best practice in document numbering/coding system. Any suggestion? the simpler, the better.”
  • Documents to be produced

    So in the toolkit, document 01.2 there is a (long) list of documents to be produced during the project. Should all documents be produced in every situation? E.g. are they all relevant for a SAAS software developer which is basically only a data processor and not a data controller?
  • Number of root causes

    "Can an external auditor require you to submit 3 Root Causes for each NC identified during and audit?”
  • Suspicions about false certificates

    "Is there a statement in ISO 9001 regarding falsified certificates of conformity and if you believe a certificate to have been falsified that it is your duty to report this to ISO?”
  • About the risk-based approach

    "I'm assisting the executives within an organisation who is transitioning to ISO 9001:2015. I’m confused as to whether a ‘risk’ is a broad term encapsulating corporate risks (changing legislation, building damaged, competitors, digital innovation/automation, etc – that are mitigated by a DRP and the purposes of some of the departments such as compliance, HR and IT), or is 9001 about identifying and acting upon specific identified risks (an actual known specific legislation change, not having a DRP at all, a forced specific system enhancement that may negatively impact sales, etc). I’m assuming the latter, as a strategic plan would address the former? Please confirm”
  • Property belonging to customers or external providers

    "Question about 9001:2015 clause 8.5.3? question about external providers? Does this include software used in the manufacturing process or only if a customer was to provide some type of software?”
  • Different legal entities under one certificate

    "Can I certify 2 different legal entities of a company under one 9001 certif Scope”
  • Getting clients as a consultant

    "I am a vastly experienced Quality Manager with experience in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and NQA-1 management systems and would now like to set up as a consultant. But I don't know how to position myself to attract clients. Can anybody advise me?”
  • PEST, SWOT and the Quality Manual

    "About clause 4 context of the organization. I have used a PEST and SWOT analysis table to identify this in my quality manual do you have a better way to relay this info into the quality manual”
  • Implementation of knowledge management?

    "How can we demonstrate the implementation of Knowledge Management?”