ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Implementation of risk management

    "What are the evidences required to show implementation of Risk Management?”
  • Management system scope change

    "We recently acquired a company; do we need to contact our ISO auditor and notify them of this change?"
  • How do I get consultancy work?

    I am a vastly experienced Quality Manager with experience in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and NQA-1 management systems and would now like to set up as a consultant. But I don't know how to position myself to attract clients. Can anybody advise me?
  • Risk registry

    "I want to know that how to maintain a risk registry for ISO 9001:2015?"
  • Issues or risks

    " I don't really got the difference between managing external and internal issues & managing risks and opportunities.”
  • Documenting clause 8.1 operational control

    "We have ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management system but I am struggling to document clause 8.1 operational controls. Could you provide some examples of operational controls in my business and how i would document them”
  • Defining context of the organization

    We are solar module manufacturer. Our facility is new established & going for ISO certification. We don't know what is context of organisation. Is there need to draft it or how to draft it, can u help us with some examples?
  • Quality objectives

    Please: Our organism are implementing for the first time the iso 9001 standard and now the project team are making the quality objectives. and we have some troubles like this : - the objectives choosen, is directly coming from our company objectives and they put for each processus it's objective but there is no improvement!, for example for maintenance processus they said : we will repect the maintenance schedule at 100%, for sales we will repect 100% of the schedule! and in our politique quality : we put : we will improve our processus! 1- Are they correct objectives? 2- I told to them, that when we put processus objectives, we have to choose an objective with an improve like : Reduction in internal defect rates, scrap rates, rework, reduction in cycle time, changeover time, process audit results, plant availability / breakdowns monitors. are you agree? thank you in advance
  • Corporate Integrity Declaration

    "May I know about “Corporate Integrity Declaration” for supplier/ Vendor? Is it one of the clauses and needs to address at ISO 9001."
  • Exclusions

    "We are Contact Center provider and did not use any equipment during services with customer. Could we state clause is not applicable for our organization?”