ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • ISO 31000 and ISO 9001

    Can ISO 9001 be seen as the required foundation for 31000/Risk Management?
  • Implementing QMS from scratch

    One of our potential customers is asking for ISO 9001 certification. I am somewhat familiar with certifications having been involved with audits from my previous company. However, this would be setting up QMS from scratch.
  • Clause 7.1.6 Organization knowledge

    Could you share example to fulfill this clause.
  • Nonconformity and Corrective Action records

    What a biggest difference between NCR and CAR ?
  • Updating internal audit checklist to ISO 9001:2015

    My company is certified with ISO 9001 :2008 and now want to move to ISO 9001:2015.
  • Where to start with ISO 9001 implementation

    I have a company and I want to get iso certified .. but I do not know where to start .. and what items are to be applied .. Can you help me sequence of work and the terms of specification iso 9001
  • Identifying risks

    How to identify risk? Please Define risk management
  • Incorporating ISMS scope and policy into QMS

    If there already is a quality policy within a quality manual at a 9001 certified company, would it best practice be to incorporate the information security policy and scope into the quality manual?
  • QMS and CMMI in software company

    QMS for software company is it different? i came across cmmi level2,3...what is it any idea about it?
  • EFQM and ISO 9001

    How can EFQM and ISO9001:2015 coexist?