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  • SOP in ISO 9001

    Imagine a financial department manager decides to write an SOP...Should this SOP get a QA code? Or a leave sheet belongs to QMS and should get QA code?
  • Ensuring Quality Objectives

    What suggestions can you make to ensure quality objectives can be met in the report?
  • Lista de proveedores aprobados

    Tengo una pregunta sobre los Proveedores. De acuerdo con ISO9001 se debe tener una lista de proveedores aprobados, en esta lista solo deben de estar los proveedores de materias primas, es decir, solo aquellos proveedores que surtan de productos o servicios relacionados con la manufactura directa de mi Producto Final. Por ejemplo, me dedico a manufacturar productos metálicos, en mi lista no debe aparecer mi proveedor de papelería o agua potable, pero si deben aparecer mis proveedores de metales, tornillería, remaches, cables, tratamientos térmicos, Laboratorios de pruebas, etc. que son parte del ensamble y manufactura de mi producto. Me pueden confirmar si mi interpretación del requerimiento es correcta, por favor.
  • IMS Integration

    Please explain to me how to confirm that the IMS is effectively integrated (is linked to the point  PAS 99 Integrated Management)?
  • QMS, Quality Manual, Quality Procedures and Quality Management Plan

    What's the difference between QMS, Quality Manual, Quality Procedures and Quality Management Plan? When do all these need to be developed? Does an ISO certified, IMS implemented organization, working as a design, construction supervision, O&M and facility management company requires to develop QMP when it already has all IMS documents?
  • QMS Manager Rights

    I would like to know the rights of the QMS manager as described in QMS ?? Because the QMS manager can stop the production during the manufacturing when the operator violates the QMS procedure. Is it right?? Can you explain?
  • Process Capability in ISO 9001:2015

    Is process capability analysis for the use of process control implicit in ISO 9001:2015?
Page 7 of 240 pages