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ISO 14001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Certifying body exercising

    almost all establishement, manufacturing companies were ISO 14001 certified,beside auditing and recertification what else does the certifying body exercising that the program were fully monitored and implemented

  • ISO 14001 in an educational institution

    What are the external and internal issues, the interested parties and their interests associated with an educational institution in the context of ISO 14001?

  • Environmental impact assessment methodologies for ISO 14001:2015

    Can I get the methodologies for an environmental impact assessment for ISO 14001:2015?

  • Pre-implementation stage

    What is the main difficulty to face in the pre-implementation stage?

  • Instructions for aspect evaluation

    I am searching to write an instruction for environmental aspects evaluation instruction based on ISO14001 for a researching institute in the oil and gas industry. I will be glad if you guide me if it is possible.

  • ISO 14001 requirements for emergency planning

    I was wondering whether you can share the requirements of ISO 14001 regarding emergency planning with me? Specifically, I am wondering about the requirements for large-scale and high risk manufacturing (such as oil and gas companies, steel producers, chemical production, etc) operations and in how far these requirements tie into facility and process safety.

  • ISO 14001 Environmental auditing vs monitoring compliance

    I want to use this opportunity and find out from you, 'the difference between environmental auditing and environmental monitoring compliance'.

  • ISO 14001: 2015 en la industria química

    Cómo implementar la ISO 14001:2015 en una industria quimica?

  • Internal auditor competencies

    What are the internal auditor competencies?

  • ISO 14001 benefits

    Can you give me some real examples of how an organisation benefited from implementing ISO14001?

Page 12 of 57 pages