Does ISO 17025 cover dimensions measured of a product sold?
Does ISO 17025 cover dimensions measured of a product sold?
Managing impartiality
How to manage impartiality when owner is the lab. manager
Assessing quality system
Where do I start assessing my quality system? we know we need 17025 but need a gap assessment to decide how we proceed
Examples of Risk Management
May I request your good-self to share a few examples of Risk Management to understand with more clarity and stimulate the thought process for total coverage.
Measurement uncertainty in chemical process
my interest is the knowledge about measurement uncertainty in chemical process
Use of shall and must
Reaching out with a question after the recent purchase of the Toolkit w/ Extended Support. In the ISO 17025 the word “shall” is used. In the toolkit procedures the word “must” is used in place of the word “shall”. Is the word “must” an accepted term by accreditation bodies?
Up to this point, we are grateful for the purchase of the toolkit. With minor modifications to the quality manual and lab procedures, this is very effective and truly helpful to get us started in the right direction.
Can I perform blood testing in my LAB with ISO 17025 accreditation?
I would just like to know that with ISO 17025 accreditation, can I perform Blood testing in my LAB.
Are employees of 17025 certified labs required to have transcripts on file?
Are employees of 17025 certified labs required to have transcripts on file? Or would a diploma on file suffice?
Procedure on personnel
I would like draw a procedure on personnel as per clause 6.2.5 of the 17025:2017 standard
Xl sheet
How Xl sheet is used while ding measurement Estimated uncertainty using raw data(type A or type B)Sources