ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • List of external documents and Quality Manual

    We have started the implementation now and are working through the task list in the project plan and have a couple of questions that we would appreciate your help with:
  • Defining severity and probability

    Can you please tell me how to get severity in probability point? I meant to say how to calculate base risk in risk analysis.
  • Interested parties, risks and opportunities and IMS

    I need to know about the Risk Assessment which is the new clause in the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • Organizational knowledge - Clause 7.1.6 of ISO 9001:2015

     I'd like to understand how I can solve the clause 7.1.6 of the new ISO 9001:2015. Is it possible to have an example?
  • Thunderstroke?!?

    As per ISO27005; what is Thunderstroke? Does it refer to lightning strike or is is something else?
  • Release product and services

    Please suggest how to address clause no.8.6 release of product & services.
  • Determining organizational knowledge

    How to determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services, example Production process, Quality control process or Purchasing process etc. Could you give me an example of such matter, and also this clause should be documented procedure or not. Your reply will be highly appreciated.
  • Documentação ISO 9001:2015

    Então os procedimentos exigidos na versão 2008: Controle de documentos, controle de registros, auditoria interna, controle produto não conforme, ação corretiva" não são mais requeridos na nova versão? Obrigada!
  • Who should be included in management review meetings

     I need help to understand who should be included during management review meetings? Are Internal Auditors required to attend the MRM?
  • Providing evidence for requirements regarding interested parties

    In the Interested Parties what will the auditor specifically be looking for?