ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Plan de auditoria de un SGC

    Quiero saber en que consiste el plan de auditoria de sistema de gestión de calidad, si fuera de una organización de productores mejor.
  • Starting a career as consultant

    "I am start building up my career in consultancy business and I am too much interested to hear from your advice for starting such business in Europe technical and financial advice.”
  • QMS Scope and Quality Manual

    "In the template Quality Manual included in our toolkit, under section 4.3 (also 4.1 & 4.2), it states that the [CEO] determines the Scope of the QMS, but does not indicate that as part of the Quality Manual. Since it is a key part of the requirement, should the determined scope be included here under sec. 4.3? or should it reference an external document with possible support information? Would a reference to the Process Map (fig. 2) suffice? or do we need a more specific documentation?”
  • Audits and sampling

    "Can a sample be selected from the areas to be audited by processes? Example: If I have 10 processes in my management system and three areas responsible for each process, that is, 30 areas, can I sample those 30 areas so I do not need to audit all?”
  • Controlling changes

    "Which ISO 9001:2015 clause will a quality system deviation and/or waiver falls under? This is a single procedure to monitor a deviation for a certain period; therefore, the normal process will not be followed due to project implementation."
  • Key performance indicators and ISO 9001

    "The company I work for is an engineering company and certified ISO 9001:2015 a year ago but the term key performance indicator is not clear. please help”
  • Evaluating opportunities

    "Any recommendations on what matrix can be used in evaluating or assessing the opportunity?”
  • Evidences on organizational knowledge

    "During the external audit what document or records to present or will be asked by auditors related to organizational knowledge management?
  • Awareness in IMS

    I have a couple questions related to IMS, that I need clarification in a few words, examples:
  • Becoming an ISO consultant

    I am doing my masters in the International food business and consumer studies from Germany. one of my course is food quality management system and i am quite interested in this course. My future plan like for my master thesis and job I will carry on with the quality management system of the food industry. Can you please help me regarding what I have to do ow like certifications and courses.