ISO 14001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Main advantages of implementing the ISO 14001 standard

    Determine and explain three main advantages of implementing the ISO 14001 standard in a mining company and how each advantage can be measured using metrics.

  • ISO standads for Waste composition analysis

    Can I know whether ISO standard is available for Waste composition analysis things as ASTM 5231?

  • ISO 14001

    How to perform a desktop review of the organization for ISO 14001?

  • Methods to collect objective evidence during audit

    What are the different methods that could be used to collect objective evidence during an EMS audit? More specifically, which methods are relevant to ISO 14001 and how could be used?
  • Can the Health and Safety policy be combined with the Environmental policy?

    I need to know if the environmental policy can be combined with the health and safety policy to be health, safety and environmental policy or Its better if it is separated from health and safety policy?
  • Closing the NC - Processes to follow

    Hi, can you help me with closing this NC? We manufacture soap and sanitiser the NC from auditors is as follows: There are no defined work parameters for production especially considering the fact that some chemicals used are hazardous in nature e.g isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide ammonium-and volatile. If you can give example sample, it would great.
  • ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Management Review and Corrective Action

    I attended your webinar, How To Integrate ISO 14001 and 9001 and have a question.  I am in a company that has ISO 14001 and wants to implement 9001.  The existing procedures for management review and corrective action do not align between the two.  For example, MR would be two different audiences because of the differing scopes of the two standards – one covers the entire company, the other (9001), only covers a segment of the company.  Corrective action for 14001 does not include all of the requirements necessary to comply to 9001.  How do I handle this?  Two separate procedures and forms – one for EHS, one for manufacturing?  Seems like this type of integration of management systems would occur frequently so I’m hoping you have some advice for me.
  • PESTEL analysis in ISO 14001

    I want to know how PESTEL is helping in point 4.1 of the STD.
  • Environmental Standard Maintenance

    If a company was still operating without an environmental standard, is there a need to look back to ISO 14001 of 2004? Or is it better to just keep the modern ISO 14001:2015?
  • Internal Autitor Requirement

    Can one be an internal auditor if they aren’t certified but are familiar with ISO14001?
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