ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • ISO 9001 Documents for certification

    What process documentation from across the company is required for ISO 9001 certification?

  • ISO 9001 auditing and inspection guidelines

    Do you have any guidelines on how to do good auditing and an inspection in an organization from the point of view of the quality assurance system and also any training material or instruction and checklist for evaluation of auditors' performance? 

  • Required process documentation for certification

    What process documentation from across the company is required for certification?

  • Corrective and preventative actions

    I have a question on ISO 9001. Right now, we have one form that includes both correction actions and preventative actions. We are having issues in that we can usually do corrective actions in 30 days, but preventative actions take longer sometimes. Are we able to separate these two out and have 2 different forms, one for corrective actions completed within 30 days without undue delay and preventative actions that may take longer, without violating any ISO 9001 standards?


  • Determinaciòn de contexto interno y externo

    Que metodologias puedo implementar para la determinaciòn de contexto interno y externo?

  • ISO 9001 Lead auditor - keeping up with latest developments in the field

    How do we as Auditors prepare ourselves to keep updated on the latest developments

  • Approved documentation for ISO 9001 audit

    In ISO audit, I had to provide approved documentation that I have authority for the identification, documentation, and communication of internal or external issues? I want to know which document I have to show?

  • ISO 9001 surveillance audit requirements

    If I have a certified person in a company who conducts ISO internal audit annually, do I need to pay certification body anyway to come and conduct a surveillance audit every year? Is it a must?

  • ISO 9001 manual

    Is it mandatory to have a manual?

  • Roles and responsibilities of the QMS working committee

    What are the main roles and responsibilities of QMS working committee to ensure continued compliance to certification. Looking forward to your advise soon.
Page 27 of 240 pages