ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Monitoring integrity issues in QMS

    How do monitor integrity issue in QMS in a utility firm?

  • ISO 9001 - where to start?

    If you are starting to work for a new company that is wanting to become ISO 9001 Certified, where do you start?

  • ISO 9001 extent of process documentation

    My understanding is that ISO 9001:2015 allows significant latitude for organizations to determine the extent of process documentation they feel is required to maintain their QMS. However, it seems like trying to navigate a certification audit with very sparse process documentation would be to say the least challenging. The small to medium sized company I represent has very sparse process documentation and I am concerned about our odds of successfully navigating the certification audit. What are your thoughts or recommendations?

  • Production/services requirements records

    I need your advice and guidance on how to write ISO 9001 on production/services requirements records for my company.

  • People aspect of ISO

    What about the people aspect of ISO?

  • Organizational chart

    I wanted to have an organisational chart about the structure of a chemical laboratory. 
    I am working on it, however, feel that I am missing things in it. 
    Can you help?

  • Le domaine d'application

    Concernant le domaine d'application, est-ce obligatoire d'avoir une information documentée spécifique décrivant les limites du SMQ même si on a déjà mentionné le domaine d'application dans le manuel qualité?

  • Satisfaire a un audit ISO 9001

    Que faire pour satisfaire à un audit ?

  • Estudios de riesgo

    Para que sirve los estudios de riesgo y cual es el beneficio?

Page 28 of 240 pages