How you will handle major incident and P1 User parallel?
IT Operations Management
what is the sub functions of it management function
Capacity Management GAP analysis
We are looking to build out a capacity management group and I am looking for a document that will assist with conducting a gap analysis!
Incident Management implementation duration
How I can calculate the duration of implementing IM in an organization. what factors should I have to consider
ISO/ITIL for startup
How does it work when the business is a Startup? Can I still get ITIL and ISO accredited? And What will I need Resources wise in order to be Accredited?
Change Management and Configuration Management
how can i create a plan of how configuration management processes and change management processes are linked with regards to a supermarket moving their systems to a data center?
Lack of resources for Change implementation
If there are two changes need to implemented but there are lake of resources so what would be the next step. Please suggest
Change management vs. Release and Deployment management
I want to know the difference between change management vs release management and what is the best flow chart for both and what are the interconnected things among them
ITIL for Network Management Station
Is ITIL useful for Network Management Station or not?