AS 9100 Certification Body
I have a doubt about the certification body, what does it mean? And for an aeronautical MRO which will be the certification body?
Multi-site certification and group certification
If an international organisation has affiliates certified EN9100 in EU and AS9100 in North America, could it be possible to obtain a multi-site certification or a group certification?
Management Representative Role
What would be the Pros and Cons of the Management Representative role being taken up at a little lower level in the organization such as a Quality Engineer?
QA Manual format changes
Our existing QA Manual written a few years ago would appear to be similar in structure to your suggested templates.
I have come from a ISO9001 background where we built a lot of the QMS around process flow charts and split the relevant sections on a software platform designed to support such standards. In other words it wasn’t just one chunky manual. Each section was owned by its relevant process owner and document control was built into the support platform. So we deconstructed the QA manual into something more relevant and usable for the organisation.
I don’t have a background in AS9100 and I’m trying to understand what the current accepted options for QMS document management are relating to AS9100 given Clause 4.4.2:
Am I to understand that all the industry still stick to the traditional single QA Manual format?
Time to prepare and get certified
How long does it take to learn the information and get certified?
AS9100 - 8.5.1 production and service provision
We do some drawing updations and Engineering change management activities and we support our parent plant with respect to the above.
Our certification scope is Design and Manufacturing of XYZ parts ...
a) My clarification is whether the external auditor shall audit 8.5.1 clause requirements considering our Engineering activities comes under service provision.
b) or suppose if the scope is Engineering support services and Manufacturing of XYZ parts. Then in this case only, the external auditor shall do an audit as per 8.5.1clause requirements for Engineering support activities.
Requesting your support to clarify.
Enforcing the quality management system requirements
My main question is about enforcing the quality management system requirements unto an organization that is required to adhere to them, but where almost all of the top management are negligent of these requirements.
I've had trouble making people address internal audit findings related to their departments. Some findings that were classified as major have remained open and unaddressed for months. Constant reminder emails, personal conversations and conversations on meetings have had very little effect.
To formulate the question, what are the possible ways and what authority can QA hold to force the organization to conform with the requirements.
Retaining documented information
Wanted to ask a question relating to the AS9100, but probably is touched upon in ISO 9001 too. says “ the organization shall retain documented information as applicable:
A: on the results of the review”
What does that mean?
Aerospace and Napcap standards
I have experience of doing internal audits to ukas and ISO standards, however I have just taken on a role of Quality Assurance lead and I think it’s probably a level up which in time will include both Aerospace and Napcap standards . With that in mind can u advise me of any guides or data that will be of benefit to me please
Configuration management
In a design organization, how would configuration management look like? Is FOD clause applicable in QMS?