ISO 20000 vs ISO 9001
We have 2 certifications: ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 20000. One of my auditors said we may use ISO 9001:2015 that covers all processes in ITIL also, can you help us with that? I mean, is it similar, what should we do?
Service Management Plan in ISO20000-2018
I'm currently working on the upgrade of ISO20000-2011 to -2018 within our organization. I'm not sure about the topics to be covered in the mandatory Service Management Plan.
I appreciate any explanation.
Determining priority
Should a customer have a say in determining the priority, or is it the help desk who must determine the priority?
BRM roles
What are the BRM Roles and Responsibilities per ITIL?
ITIL&ISO 20000 over ISO 9001 in the IT area
Why would a company ask for ISO 20000 accreditation over 9001 in the IT area?
Incident and problem tracking and recording
Part of ISO & ITIL compliance & certification requirements include incident & problem tracking & recording.
I know Service Now is ISO certified & Service Aide is ITIL certified.
If working towards both ISO & ITIL, can I use either Service Now or Service Aide for both certifications instead of 2 tools?
Also, do the tools we use to implement our SMS have to be themselves ISO & ITIL certified?
In other words, if we, for instance, implement
- Office 365
- SharePoint
- C#
- Python
- Windows
- Ubuntu
- Power BI
- Azure
- IoT
are all these ISO & ITIL certified, that we know of &, is it enough to google this for confirmation?
Copyright notice
What is the copyright notice that is prohibited from being deleted?
ITIL/ISO 20000 Documenting IT devices
Beyond business and IT Services, such as applications, like Office 365, custom implementation, do we need to document items such as:
- Apple devices
- Hardware
- Firewall
- Link Balancer
- Management
- Printer
- Renewal
- Router
- Server
- Switch
- Wireless
- Workstation
- Inventory
- Certificates
- Phone Systems
- Vendors
- Vessels
- Contacts
- Data Links
- Domains
- File Shares
- Locations
- Licensing
or not, please?
I further understand Appendix 1 Service Design Package to equate to functional specifications & Capacity management processes to equate to business requirements.
Can you please confirm this?
Backout procedure
What is a backout procedure?
Benefits of ITIL implementation
In the case of a University what are the benefits of implementating ITIL, and could you provide me with some implementation model and what processes to implement?
Initially I had proposed to start with 2 processes. Service Design (Catalog and Service Levels), and Service Operation (Incident and Problem Management)